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Restoring the Facial Expression Menu from Auto Backup

If the facial expression menu you created disappears for some reason, you can restore it from the automatic backup.

Execute "FaceEmo" → "Restore Menu" from the toolbar.

Executing RestoreMenu

When the file selection screen opens, select the backup data you want to use for restoration from "Assets/Suzuryg/FaceEmo/AutoBackup".

Selecting Backup Data

  • Automatic backup is created when the facial expression menu is applied to the avatar.
  • Backup data is created for each facial expression menu up to 100 items, and when it exceeds 100 items, older ones are deleted.
  • The backup data does not contain animation clips, so you cannot restore animation clips.

When you open the backup data, the restored facial expression menu is created in the hierarchy.

Restoring the Expression Menu