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Setting up Expressions when Head Stroked

You can set up the expression when a certain place is touched by following the steps below.

Right-click in the Project view, select "Create" → "FaceEmo_EmoteOverrideExample", and Prefab and AnimatorController will be created.

Executing FaceEmo_EmoteOverrideExample

Prefab and AnimatorController

Open the created AnimatorController and double-click on "ACTIVE".

Double-clicking on Active

Click on "NadeNade" and set arbitrary expression animation to "Motion".

Setting Expression Animation

Place the Prefab in the hierarchy, and deploy it inside "FaceEmoPrefab".
When you upload the avatar in this state, the expression will be overwritten when another player's hand touches your head.

Deploying Prefab


If "FaceEmoPrefab" does not exist within the avatar, please first apply the facial expression menu to the avatar.


By modifying based on FaceEmo_EmoteOverrideExample, you can set "Contacts" not only on the head but also other places.